Welcome to the American School In Japan’s repository of relevant stuff, sponsored by
The ASIJ community is linked together by a common bond which needs no explanation. ASIJ is a school we all attended during some phase of our
juvenile lives, have or had kids who attended, or was a place of employment at some point. For most of us, this experience was quite profound,
in no small way due to its deep interface with the culture, history, and language of Japan which added a level of richness we all appreciate to this day.
This website was originally conceived as a planning vehicle for the celebration of THE CLASS of ‘68’s upcoming 50th anniversary.
As development ensued, it became obvious that there was a lot of interesting information floating around relative to things ASIJ and things
Japanese that could be captured for the benefit of all of us who are connected via this wonderful school.
The ASIJ official website quite effectively links current and past information, alumni, school developments and activities, and is a very
valuable general source of information for the ASIJ community. Our vision for this webpage is to create a portal which extends what ASIJ
produces officially. We thought there would be value in creating a somewhat interactive platform for information not only about the school,
but also about Japan, as well as current events involving alumni, classes, quirky stories and the like that would invite regular visits.
Fundamentally, this is an exercise in expanding the ASIJ bond.
We welcome your ideas, input, contributions, and visits to this website, and are excited about making this platform as robust and
interesting as possible.
Nick Connor and Dave Sakamoto
Class of 1968 Co-Class Agents.
Email Us at: ClassAgent@asij1968.com